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We present report of successful full revascularization of heart during additional adjuvant extracorporeal revascularization (EcR) in case of difficult anatomy of anatomically difficult, multivessel lesions of coronary arteries and reduced ejection fraction (EF) of left ventricular (LV).  




Aim: was to estimate possibilities of two-dimensional and three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the diagnosis of atrial septal defects (ASD).

Material and methods: 52 patients with atrial septal defect underwent TEE. In 32 cases - 3D TEE, 20-2D TEE. 44 patients further underwent endovascular closure of ASD, 8 underwent cardiac surgical correction of ASD with extracorporeal circulation.

Results: 3D TEE allows to make more accurately and correctly measure of ASD, to determine its location, shape, and number of defects and to quantify all edges, including top, and to measure the length of the partition in three standard areas and additional-caval from lower to upper edge.

Conclusions: 3D TEE gives the most correct estimation of localization, shape and size of the defect, as well as contributes the proper determination of the optimal tactics of surgical correction of the defect.



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